Thursday, November 11, 2010


Ok, so I mentioned getting to "Why Fi?" in my next post, but I'm going to sidetrack for a few minutes.  I wanted to go off on a tangent about significant others and getting them presents for special occasions.

My girlfriend's birthday was a month ago and I had the hardest time finding her something.  We've known each other for almost a year now and have been dating for a good eight months.  That's not too long for a lot of people, but for it to be eight months and still going, it's amazing to me.  Neither of us have had successful relationships in the past, but we both just seem to know that this one will last.  I've told her I love her and she's done the same.  No, she didn't say she loved herself, she told me she loved me. 

People, therapists, your parents always tell you not to say, "I love you" too soon, but when you say it and have that "feeling" come over you; you just can't help but to say it again.  It just becomes natural and more a part of you.  Now, don't get to thinking that, "Oh, he's a Marine, he sounds like a wuss!"  Every Marine, I believe, does or needs to have a soft side.

Now...to get back to the gift.  I have to say I do love her, and that for her present; I want it to come from the heart.  And coming from the heart, I mean I don't want to have to ask her for what she wants.  I want it to be that thoughtful-I know what I want to get her-surprising gift, that makes her want to jump in your arms and kiss you.  I want it to be that "perfect" gift.  I know a lot of guys have a problem with this.  It's hard.  However, we just don't know what to buy.  It makes it even harder when the present you WANT to get her just falls through and just isn't going to happen.  Then you move onto the next idea, and that doesn't happen either.

It's hard enough for men to shop for women, so helpful hint...give us clues!!!  That being said, I ran out of ideas and had to result to asking her...really pleading with her to give me some kind of idea.  After a month of asking her, what does she come up with?  A wine rack.  A wine rack!  How does that even compare to what I wanted to get her?  How is that going to make her jump in my arms and scream, "I LOVE IT!!!"  I don't really want to get her a wine rack, but she insists on me doing so.  It's just not from the heart, you know?!

Then I have to go through the whole selection process of the wine racks.  Do I get her wood or metal, floor or countertop, big or small, thing or wide, how many bottles should it hold, should it hold glasses or not?  All of this for a gift I don't even want to get her.  I mean a wine rack is something I would go out and get on a normal shopping day...and yes, us Marines do shop.

Well, it came down to the last week before her birthday and I still had not gotten her anything.  At this time I was panicking and begging to get something out of her...and out of the blue she tells me that she has always wanted a pearl ring, but she didn't want to ask because she thought it would cost too much.  I proceeded to tell her, "Ugh!  You couldn't have told me that from the very beginning instead of telling me at the last minute?"  Then she has the nerve to say that I should have planned better and been thinking about presents months ago (needless to say I was thinking about it 2-3 months before)...what a woman?!

End note...the pearl ring was a SUCCESS!!!  As well, the pearl ring made me remember another ring, which was more stylish than elegant, she said she liked awhile back.  But she has been getting compliments on both ever since.

The rest of the birthday was a success, as well, with taking her to dinner at Copper Canyon Grillin downtown Silver Spring, MD, and instead of buying dessert; I bought a fondue set and attempted to recreate The Melting Pot's dessert tray for a romantic night in.

So, if you got nothing else out of this blog than I'll leave you with this (kinda cheesey)...Men, don't mind to buy her something new; so women, be kind and for the love of God, give your man a clue!

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