Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I shouldn't have to go into describing myself anymore, but I would like to start off with why I am taking the plunge into this phenomenon of online social networking.  I think at this time and only time; I can actually say, "It's her fault!"  Yes, I am starting this blog because of my girlfriend.

I don't want you readers to think my blog is going to be just about me and my girlfriend because it's not.  I will disclose some personal information, whether it's worth reading or not, but overall I will be delving into my life, life as a Marine (training, deployments, duty stations, etc.), and my life as I indulge more into this life of social networking online.  I will have to tell you, that some information will be not be disclosed because of it being classified or it being personally identifiable information (PII), so don't get too excited!

However; my girlfriend's name is Crissy and her degree and job focus is around PR and social media/networking.  You can follow her on her blog, if you like, at:
On the other hand, my degree and job focus is based more on how the mind works, killing, and military evolution (military technology, advancements, etc.)  So, with that being said, I am not too into these different kinds of social networking.  I am more into face-to-face interaction and making friends and business contacts through meeting them in person.  Not to say she isn’t, but she is more into the whole Twitter, Facebook, and blogging world.  I asked her why she is so involved with these networking websites and she told me, “That’s how you make connections nowadays!”  I do have Facebook and just recently started the Twitter thing, but as any guy doesn’t like to say, she’s right!

I realized that the world and people in general are becoming more technological and with that, is coming a wide use of Wi-Fi or internet networking.  I mean, I still have trouble texting or BBM’ing.  Yes, I have a Blackberry and barely know how to use it and I hardly even get on the internet browser, as well.  I guess it is all about how you are raised and what you try to focus on in your life.  Texting or tweeting just isn’t that pertinent in my life or career.  Hand me a rifle and I’ll know how to use it, give me a radio and I’ll know how to call for artillery fire or an airstrike, give me a map and compass and let me find my way, hand me a phone and I can barely call my girlfriend.

Crissy is right, though.  Society is moving away from personal interaction and moving further towards internet connections.  Some businesses don’t even hold interviews anymore; they have some tech-guy come in and create an online application and resume that potential employees have to fill out.  Employers are now looking at your Twitter account, just to see how many followers or tweets you have because that somehow relates to how successful you’ll be in that job…even the tweets you post or get don’t even have to make sense or mean anything to you, but the follower of the follower of the follower might see your tweet and know somebody that could get you hired.  The more followers you have the more chances you have of being recognized.  I have 5 followers, right now.  Haha!

I don’t get it, but that’s this changing society for you.  I don’t know what the future holds for me, but if a military career isn’t what I want later on in life, then I need to do what my girlfriend says, and start networking to more people outside of personal interaction.  And I want more than anything for my girlfriend to advance in her career and if she says doing Twitter, Facebook, blogging, and who knows what else is out there, helps; then I’m going to be right there blogging and tweeting with her.  It sounds precious, I know, but if you are reading thus far; I will tell you I won’t be as involved, but I will do what I can and most importantly WHEN I can…coming next, “Why Fi?”

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